Connect with WalletConnect

Portal Connect allows you to connect your Portal MPC Wallet to any dApp that supports WalletConnect without extra dependency bloat.

Portal Connect utilizes your existing Portal instance to connect your Portal MPC Wallet to dApps via WalletConnect. When connecting via Portal Connect, a few things happen in the background:

  1. You provide a WalletConnect uri for Portal Connect to connect with

  2. Portal Connect opens a WebSocket connection to the WalletConnect uri

  3. All requests received over the WebSocket are routed to portal.provider to perform the request like normal

This workflow allows for seamless integration between your Portal MPC Wallet and countless dApps that already include support for WalletConnect.


The PortalConnect class is included in the portal-android module, so no additional steps are required to start using PortalConnect in your app.


In order to initialize PortalConnect within your app, you'll need to have a custom Application instance to ensure you can share the Portal instance between Activities (Alternatively if you are using Dagger2 then you can add it as Singleton to your ApplicationComponent. Idea is that the Portal object should have the same lifecycle as your application). Once this is done, you can initialize Portal like normal in your MainActivity, and initialize PortalConnect within a PortalConnectActivity.

The custom Application class



class MyApplication: Application() {
    private lateinit var portal: Portal

    override fun onCreate() {

    fun getPortal(): Portal? {
        return portal

    fun setPortal(portal: Portal) {
        this.portal = portal

You'll also need to add the following property to the application node of your AndroidManifest.xml. This will register your application class as the class that is used when your app starts.


Initializing Portal in your Activity

In the Activity where you initialize Portal, you'll need to set the Portal instance on the Application.

portal = Portal(
    mapOf(5 to "https://eth-$$alchemyApiKey"),
    autoApprove = true,

(application as MyApplication).setPortal(portal)

To initialize Portal Connect, call portal.createPortalConnectInstance().



class PortalConnectActivity() : AppCompatActivity() {
    private lateinit var portal: Portal
    private lateinit var connect: PortalConnect

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        // Define portal
        portal = (application as MyApplication).getPortal()!!

        // Create PortalConnect
        connect = portal.createPortalConnectInstance()

Connecting via WalletConnect

To connect to a WalletConnect URI, using the mechanism that makes the most sense for your app, capture the WalletConnect URI. The most common practice is to use a QR Code scanner for this. Once you've captured the URI, you can call the connect(uri) function on your PortalConnect instance. This will initialize the WebSocket session with the WalletConnect relay and begin passing messages to your Portal Provider using your Portal MPC Wallet.

connectButton.setOnClickListener {
    val uri = wcUriTextInput.text.toString()

Listen for the connect and disconnect events to get confirmation that you have successfully connected or if the user disconnects.

connect.on(ConnectEvents.Connect.value) { data: Any -> }
connect.on(ConnectEvents.Disconnect.value) { data: Any -> }

Once this is done, you've got a connection to WalletConnect. All messages sent by the relay will now be processed by the Portal Provider.

Handling Session Requests

Session Requests represent the initial connection request from the dApp to create a new session. These are triggered when Portal responds to the dApp after the connect(uri) function is called. These events will be triggered with a SessionProposal object. These objects can be used to display information about the dApp the user is connecting to and the specific permissions being requested by the dApp.

Accepting the dApps proposal

We have a helper method addChainsToProposal . This can be used to add all the chains in your gateway config to the proposal object.

Binding to Session Requests

In order to bind to Session Requests, add an event handler to your PortalConnect instance.

connect.on("portal_dappSessionRequested") { data: Any -> 
    // ... your business logic
    if (approved) {
        var connectData = data as SessionMessageData
        var newProposal = connect.addChainsToProposal(connectData)

        connect.emit(ConnectEvents.DappSessionApproved.value, newProposal)
    } else {
        connect.emit('portal_dappSessionRejected', data)

Retrieve Session Request

Portal stores session requests for up to 24 hours. This feature can be useful if PortalConnect loses connection with the dApp being used and you want to respond to previous session requests. To retrieve a previous session request, use the emitGetSessionRequest method. You will need to provide both the requestId and the topic.


Important Notes:

  • You can only respond to a session request once.

  • Ensure you have stored the correct requestId and topic values to successfully retrieve the session request.

This functionality helps maintain continuity in dApp interactions by allowing you to handle any outstanding session requests even after a connection disruption.

Handle Signing

Each portal connect instance gets created with its own instance of the Portal Provider. This allows users to connect with different chains to different dApps.

Listen for signing events

Handle signing approval. This is only required if autoApprove is turned off.

connect.on(ConnectEvents.PortalSigningRequested.value) { }

Listen for confirmation of signing requests

connect.on(ConnectEvents.PortalSignatureReceived.value) { }

Handle Warnings and Errors

Set up a listener for portal_connectError in order to handle specific errors and warnings from Portal Connect. Check out our Portal Connect Error Codes here.

Switching Chains

In order to switch the active chain for a portal connect instance use the updateChainId method.

You must include that chainId in the gateway config with a gateway url on initialization of your Portal Object, otherwise, you can not switch chains.

connect.updateChainId(137) // switches the active chain to polygon mainnet

The final PortalConnectActivity class

Once you've gone through that process, you should have a file that looks something like this.


import android.widget.Button

class PortalConnectActivity() : AppCompatActivity() {
    private lateinit var portal: Portal
    private lateinit var connect: PortalConnect
    // UI Elements
    private lateinit var connectButton: Button
    private lateinit var wcUriTextInput: EditText

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        // Define portal
        portal = (application as MyApplication).getPortal()!!

        // Create PortalConnect
        connect = PortalConnect(portal)
        // Bind to Dapp Session Requests
        connect.on("portal_dappSessionRequested") { data: Any -> 
            // ... your business logic
            if (approved) {
                connect.emit("portal_dappSessionApproved", data)
            } else {
                connect.emit("portal_dappSessionRejected", data)
        // Bind to text change events
        wcUriTextInput.addTextChangedListener(object: TextWatcher {
            override fun onTextChanged(s: CharSequence?, start: Int, before: Int, count: Int) {
                connectButton.isEnabled = (s?.length ?: 0) > 0 && s?.startsWith("wc:") ?: false
        // Bind to connect action
        connectButton.setOnClickListener {
            val uri = wcUriTextInput.text.toString()

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