React Native

Follow this guide to integrate Portal in your app.

Portal provides MPC wallets and dApp connections for organizations and their users. To integrate Portal, an organization adds a client library to their mobile app and a few server API endpoints.

Basic setup

The basic Portal setup consists of three packages:

  • @portal-hq/core - The core Portal library

  • @portal-hq/keychain - An adapter for storing MPC signing shares on-device

  • @portal-hq/gdrive-storage - An adapter for storing MPC backup shares off-device

These pieces allow you to initialize Portal in your app.


Follow this guide to gather all of the credentials you need to Authenticate to Portal.


yarn add @portal-hq/core @portal-hq/keychain @portal-hq/gdrive-storage

Dependency linking

Because these packages have native module dependencies there is some additional linking required to make it work with your React Native project.

Explicitly install the native module packages in your project.

yarn add react-native-keychain

Expo Compatibility

Expo apps will need to be ejected to be usable with our React Native sdk because we include native iOS and Android modules.


The core Portal library relies on a native module to support MPC behaviors. In order to enable this functionality, you must properly link Portal's MPC client to your React Native project.

dependencies {

  runtimeOnly files("../../node_modules/@portal-hq/core/android/libs/mpc.aar")


To learn more about how to use Portal MPC, see: @portal-hq/core

Initializing Portal

import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'

// Portal imports
import { BackupMethods, Portal, PortalContextProvider } from '@portal-hq/core'
import Keychain from '@portal-hq/keychain'
import Storage from '@portal-hq/gdrive-storage'

const MyAppComponent = () => {
  // Store the Portal instance in the state
  const [portal, setPortal] = useState<Portal>(null)

  useEffect(() => {
    if (!portal) {
      // Initialize storage providers
      const keychain = new Keychain()
      const gDriveStorage = new Storage({
        androidClientId: 'YOUR_ANDROID_CLIENT_ID',
        iosClientId: 'YOUR_IOS_CLIENT_ID',
      const passwordStorage = new PasswordStorage()

      // Create a Portal instance
        new Portal({
          apiKey: 'YOUR_PORTAL_CLIENT_API_KEY',
          backup: {
            [BackupMethods.GoogleDrive]: gDriveStorage,
            [BackupMethods.Password] : passwordStorage
          chainId: 1,
          gatewayConfig: {
            'eip155:1': '',
  }, [portal])

  return (
    {/* Expose your Portal instance to your app */}
    <PortalContextProvider value={portal as Portal}>
        * Now all children rendered in this scope 
        * will have access to the `Portal` instance 
        * via the `usePortal` hook 

export default MyAppComponent

For more information on how to use the Portal class, see: @portal-hq/core

Next Steps

Now that you've initialized your Portal instance, you can generate a wallet!

If you are using Client Session Tokens (CSTs), this hint is for you.

When your user's CST expires, all Portal SDKs will throw an error on the next MPC Operation the user makes (e.g. creating a wallet, backing up a wallet, recovering a wallet, or signing). That error will include a code SESSION_EXPIRED in the SDK methods, which you can use as an indicator to refresh your CST.

Last updated