In the example below, we created WebViewController that initializes Portal's PortalWebView and adds it as a child view controller.
PortalWebView init parameters:
portal: Your Portal instance.
url: The URL the web view should start at.
persistSessionData: Will persist browser session data (local-storage, cookies, etc...) when enabled.
onError: An error handler in case the web view throws errors.
onPageStart: A handler that fires when the web view is starting to load a page.
onPageComplete: A handler that fires when the web view has finished loading a page.
eip6963Icon: A string representing the Base64-encoded icon for EIP-6963 compliance.
eip6963Name: A string representing the name for EIP-6963 compliance.
eip6963Rdns: A reverse DNS string for identifying the application in EIP-6963-compliant contexts.
eip6963Uuid: A unique identifier string for EIP-6963 compliance.
import PortalSwift
import WebKit
class WebViewController: UIViewController, PortalWebViewDelegate {
var portal: Portal?
var url: String?
var webViewController: PortalWebView?
let persistSessionData = false
let eip6963Icon = "Base64-encoded image string"
let eip6963Name = "Portal MPC Wallet"
let eip6963Rdns = "io.portalhq"
let eip6963Uuid = "d73d7104-7e24-442b-913b-1147cd8e0325"
override func viewDidLoad() {
guard let portal else {
print("❌ WebViewController error: The portal object is nil.")
guard let url else {
print("❌ WebViewController error: The url object is nil.")
guard let url = URL(string: url) else {
print("❌ WebViewController error: URL could not be derived.")
webViewController = PortalWebView(
portal: portal, // Your Portal instance.
url: url, // The URL the web view should start at.
persistSessionData: persistSessionData, // Will persist browser session data (local-storage, cookies, etc...) when enabled.
onError: self.onErrorHandler, // An error handler in case the web view throws errors.
onPageStart: self.onPageStartHandler, // A handler that fires when the web view is starting to load a page.
onPageComplete: self.onPageCompleteHandler, // A handler that fires when the web view has finished loading a page.
eip6963Icon: eip6963Icon, // A string representing the Base64-encoded icon for EIP-6963 compliance.
eip6963Name: eip6963Name, // A string representing the name for EIP-6963 compliance.
eip6963Rdns: eip6963Rdns, // A reverse DNS string for identifying the application in EIP-6963-compliant contexts.
eip6963Uuid: eip6963Uuid // A unique identifier string for EIP-6963 compliance.
guard let webViewController = webViewController else {
print("❌ WebViewController error: the PortalWebView object is nil.")
webViewController.delegate = self
// Install the WebViewController as a child view controller.
guard let webViewControllerView = webViewController.view else {
print("❌ WebViewController error: webViewController.view could not be derived.")
webViewController.didMove(toParent: self)
override func viewDidDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
self.webViewController = nil
func onPageStartHandler() {
print("🔄 PortalWebView: Page loading started")
// Add Loader here if needed
func onPageCompleteHandler() {
print("✅ PortalWebView: Page loading completed")
// Remove the loader here if needed
func onErrorHandler(result: Result<Any>) {
if let error = result.error {
print("❌ PortalWebviewError:", error, "Description:", error.localizedDescription)
guard let dataAsAnyObject = as? AnyObject,
let nestedResult = dataAsAnyObject.result as? Result<Any>
else {
print("❌ Unable to cast result data")
if let nestedError = nestedResult.error {
print("❌ Error in nested PortalWebviewError:", nestedError)
func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, decidePolicyFor navigationAction: WKNavigationAction, decisionHandler: @escaping (WKNavigationActionPolicy) -> Void) {
print("✅ Delegate method fired!", webView, navigationAction, decisionHandler)
And thats it! Remember that you will need a portal instance to start the web view and you will also need to initialize Portal with autoApprove: true if you want the web view to auto-approve transactions.
Next, let's explore how to use Portal's Swaps integration to perform swaps directly from your iOS app.