Backup methods

A guide that goes over all of the various backup methods your users can use.

Passkey + Enclave Backup

Allow customers to create a passkey authenticate and store the private encryption key within a secure enclave.

Implementation Requirements

  1. Initialize the portal config object with a passkey object.

  2. Call backup or recover with passkeys as the backup method argument.

const BackupButton: React.FC = () => {
  const handleBackup = async () => {
    // Get an encryped user backup share from running backup.
    const cipherText = await portal.backupWallet(BackupMethods.Passkey)
  return (
    <button onClick={handleBackup}>Back up your wallet</button>

export default BackupButton


Allow users to create a password/pin. Users can either remember the password or store it in a password storage manager.

Implementation Requirements

  1. Create a UI for password input.

  2. Enforce password requirements. Customer can choose between password, PIN code, passcode, or any other text-based input.

  3. If user forgets password there are no additional recovery options.

import axios from 'axios'
import React, { FC } from 'react'
import { BackupMethods, usePortal } from '@portal-hq/core'

const BackupButton: FC = () => {
  const [password, setPassword] = useState<string>('')
  const portal = usePortal()
  const handleBackup = async () => {
    // Get an encryped client backup share from running backup.
    const cipherText = await portal.backupWallet(BackupMethods.Password, { 
      passwordStorageConfig: { 
  return (
      <button onClick={handleBackup}>Back up your wallet</button>

export default BackupButton

Google Drive

See the docs on how to Configure GDrive storage.

Last updated