React Native
You can find the latest updates for the Portal React Native SDK below.
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You can find the latest updates for the Portal React Native SDK below.
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# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
Possible Types of changes include:
- Added
- Changed
- Deprecated
- Removed
- Fixed
- Security
## 4.0.3 - 2024-10-16
- Fixes cross-SDK recovery
## 4.0.2 - 2024-09-26
- Android support available again
## 4.0.1 - 2024-08-23
- Fixes an issue when signing after recovering
## 4.1.0-beta-3 - 2024-08-12
- Add Backup with Portal support
## 4.1.0-beta2 - 2024-08-12
- See version 4.1.0-beta-3 release notes.
## 4.1.0-beta - 2024-08-12
- See version 4.1.0-beta-3 release notes.
## 4.0.0 - 2024-07-17
New Features:
- Solana Support! (details [here](
- Eject for ed25519 (Solana) (details [here](
- Raw Signature (details [here](
- Chain Agnostic Provider
- pass any chain the `portal.request` method to interact with that chain without worrying about switching the chain on the portal object.
_Breaking changes_:
- generate returns addresses (eip155 and solana)
- portal connect instance manages its own chainId
- gateway config uses new network format of `Namespace:reference` ie. `eip155:1` for mainnet
_Note: RN version `4.0.0` currently only supports iOS. Android support will follow along soon!_
## 3.0.6 - 2024-04-21
- Passkey + Enclave Storage
- Check out the docs to learn more.
- Public NPM packages
- You no longer need an npm token to use the react native sdk ð
## 3.0.5 - 2024-04-21
- See version 3.0.6 release notes.
## 3.0.4 - 2024-03-08
- Removes `portal.legacyRecover` (deprecated).
## 3.0.3 - 2024-02-29
- Adds `isMultiBackupEnabled` to `featureFlags` and attaches it to `metadata` when calling MPC Client binary methods.
- MPC Binary Release for version: 4.0.28
## 3.0.2 - 2024-02-23
- Multi-backup is here in all SDKs! Read how to get started using it with the [Multi-Backup Migration Guide](
## 3.0.1 - 2024-02-16
- Added `.getBackupShareMetadata()` to get backup shares' details for a user.
- Added `.getSigningShareMetadata()` to get signing shares' details for a user.
## 3.0.0 - 2024-02-12
- Adds support for multi-backup. (Details to follow later this week!)
- Updated staging domains for example app.
## 2.1.2 - 2024-02-02
- Support for client attestation when using the `optimized: true` feature flag
- Support for changing chains on a dApp in the WebView from the app Provider
- This allows for the `setChainId` or `updateChain` functions in your app to also control the chain of a `PortalWebView`
## 2.1.1 - 2024-01-26
- Fixes bug with webview switch chain support
## 2.1.0 - 2024-01-19
This release includes access to the Eject Feature via our SDKs!
Eject enables users to choose to migrate from MPC (with two key _shares_) to their own non-custodial wallet with a single private key. You can learn more about the [Eject Feature on our docs](
- Eject feature available via the `portal.mpc.ejectPrivateKey` function.
## 2.0.14 - 2024-01-12
- Fixes auto-connect to Aave in the `PortalWebView`.
## 2.0.13 - 2024-01-05
- Added convenience methods for `ethGetBalance`, `ethEstimateGas`, and `ethGasPrice`.
- Updated example apps to use the `Sepolia` chain instead of `Goerli` by default.
## 2.0.12 - 2023-12-01
- Security improvements
- Improved WebView dApp support for auto-connect
## 2.0.11 - 2023-11-17
- Adds support for setting a custom nonce to iOS and Android.
- Makes the `PortalWebView.webView` and `PortalWebView.webViewContentIsLoaded` properties public in iOS and Android.
- Updates dependencies in React Native.
## 2.0.10 - 2023-11-03
-Use `portal.provisionWallet` (or `portal.recoverWallet`) to enable your users to create multiple signing shares across all of the Portal SDKs. [Read more here](
## 2.0.9 - 2023-10-27
- Enhanced `portal.getTransactions` to support optional arguments: `limit`, `offset`, `order`, and `chainId`.
- Transactions from `portal.getTransactions` now include `metadata.blockTimestamp` and `chainId`. Read more [here](
- Added support for `allowanceTarget` in Swap quotes.
- Alpha release of Password/PIN Backups.
## 2.0.8 - 2023-10-20
- Resolves issues with WalletConnect when dApps exclude `requiredNamespaces` fields in their session proposal
- Improvements to setup components
## 2.0.7 - 2023-10-13
- Added types for stringified MPC metadata.
## 2.0.5 & 2.0.6 - 2023-10-06
- Added `backupStatus` and `signingStatus` in `portal.api.getClient` & `portal.client` returned values.
- Updated types for `/clients/me` endpoint.
- Made `portal.updateChain` async.
- Typo fix in `portal_signatureReceived` event.
- Coding style unified via linters.
## 2.0.4 - 2023-09-29
- Optimization: Introduce an optional `featureFlag` into the Portal instance. Set `optimized: true` for a 10x speed boost for generate, backup, and recover!
## 2.0.3 - 2023-09-22
- Introduced a `addChainsToProposal` method for better dApp proposal responses.
- New `portal_connectError` event to report errors from Portal Connect.
## 2.0.2 - 2023-09-15
- Updated Portal UI components.
## 2.0.1 - 2023-09-11
- Portal UI Components
- Minor bug fixes
- Style and theme update
## 2.0.0 - 2023-09-01
- Recovery Update:
- Breaking Change: The recover function now solely updates signing shares, returning the wallet address similar to generate.
- Earlier versions updated both signing and backup shares, with potentially confusing error handling.
- For those wanting the older method, use the new legacyRecover function.
- PortalConnect Enhancements:
- Boosted reliability with a new ping interval and advanced reconnection logic.
## 1.1.3 - 2023-08-25
- Adds support for `backupMethod` argument when calling `api.storedClientBackupShare()`
- Adds support for transaction simulation
## 1.1.2 - 2023-08-11
### Added
- Request using `portal.api.storedClientBackupShareKey` on `backup` and `recover` following successfully saving the client backup share encryption key to the user's backup method.
- Add unit tests for generate, backup, and recover.
### Changed
- Tweaks to GitHub workflows.
### Removed
- Removes IPortalConnect references from classes to prevent breaking changes in test updates.
## 1.1.0 - 2023-07-21
### Added
- Add helper methods to `Portal` for the following:
- MPC: `createWallet`, `backupWallet`, `recoverWallet`
- Provider: `emit`, `ethSendTransaction`, `ethSign`, `ethSignTransaction`, `ethSignTypedData`, `on`, `once`, `personalSign`, `request`, `updateChain`
- Keychain: `deleteAddress`, `deleteSigningShare`
- PortalConnect:Â `createPortalConnectInstance`
- Enabled `disconnect` from PortalConnect.
### Fixed
- Refactor classes to enforce the following:
- `Provider` is the only class that manages `chainid`
- `Keychain` is the only class that manages `address`
- Refactor `PortalConnect` to manage its own `Provider` instance
- Add state management to `PortalConnect` class
- Base the `connected` property of `PortalConnect` on the `connectionState`
## 1.0.1 - 2023-06-11
### Added
- Adds support for `connect.on('portal_dappSessionRequested', eventHandler)` event handlers to manage approval flows for Portal Connect sessions
- Adds support for `connect.on('portal_dappSessionRequestedV1', eventHandler)` event handlers to manage approval flows for Portal Connect sessions
- Adds support for `connect.emit('portal_dappSessionApproved', data)` event emitting to approve Portal Connect sessions
- Adds support for `connect.emit('portal_dappSessionRejected', data)` event emitting to reject Portal Connect sessions
### Fixed
- Improves support for delivery of signatures to dApps through Portal Connect
- Improves support for delivery of signing rejections to dApps through Portal Connect
## 1.0.0 - 2023-06-11
### Added
- `portal.keychain.validateOperations`: Checks if you can write, read, and delete from keychain.
- validation checks for Keychain before running generate and recover.
- validation checks for the selected backup method before running backup and recover.
- `portal.api.storedClientBackupShare`.
- `portal.api.storedClientSigningShare`.
- wallet modification in-progress checks before running generate, backup, and recover.
### Changed
- Bump from v3 to v4 for default MPC version in classes.
- `portal.mpc.generate` & `portal.mpc.recover` use `portal.api.storedClientSigningShare` when keychain completes storage
## 0.3.8 - 2023-06-02
### Added
- Improved error messaging
### Fixed
- MPC progress callback
### Security
- Internal mpc binary improvement
## 0.3.7 - 2023-05-26
### Added
- Progress call backs for mpc operations
- 0x Swaps integration
- Extensions to `portal.api`: `getNFT`, `getBalance`, `getTransactions`
## 0.3.6 - 2023-04-21
### Added
- Support for `signTypedData_v3` and `signTypedData_v4`
### Changed
- v3 of MPC server