Recover a wallet

This guide will walk you through how to use your users' backups to recover their wallet.

Portal-Managed Recovery (default)

When using Portal-Managed Backups, you can simply call the portal.recoverWallet() function to generate new signing shares on your user's device.

// With Password
guard let enteredPassword = await requestPasswordFromUser() else {
await portal.recoverWallet(.Password)

// With Google Drive
await portal.recoverWallet(.GoogleDrive)

// With Passkeys
await portal.recoverWallet(.Passkey)

WARNING: To recover a wallet with the Portal SDK, your device must be configured to use passcode authentication. Please note that if you disable your passcode authentication after executing the recover function, you will need to run the recover function again.

Self-Managed Recovery

By default, Portal manages storing both the encrypted client backup share and the custodian backup share for you. If you prefer to store and manage the backup shares in your own infrastructure instead of using Portal-Managed Backups, see our Self-Managed Backups guide.

Before recovering, you will need to retrieve the encrypted client backup share from your API. You will then provide the encrypted client backup share to portal.recoverWallet. Here's an example of how that might look in your code:

Ensure you have created and connected the UI element in the storyboard to the action.

import PortalSwift

struct CipherTextResult: Codable {
  var cipherText: String

class ViewController: UIViewController {
  public var portal: Portal?
  public var yourApiUrl: String = ""
  @IBAction func handlePasswordRecover(_: UIButton!) {
    Task {
      do {
        guard let portal = self.portal else {
          throw PortalExampleAppError.portalNotInitialized()

        // Obtain the user's password.
        guard let enteredPassword = await requestPassword(), !enteredPassword.isEmpty else {

        // Set the user's password.
        try portal.setPassword(enteredPassword)

        // Run password recover.
        try await recover(String(user.exchangeUserId), withBackupMethod: .Password)
      } catch {
        // Handle any errors during the recovery process.
  public func recover(_ userId: String, withBackupMethod: BackupMethods) async throws -> void {
    guard let portal else {
      throw PortalExampleAppError.portalNotInitialized()

    guard let config else {
      throw PortalExampleAppError.configurationNotSet()

    // Obtain your API's URL for retrieving the encrypted user backup share.
    guard let url = URL(string: "\(yourApiUrl)/users/\(userId)/encrypted-user-backup-shares?backupMethod=\(withBackupMethod.rawValue)") else {
      throw URLError(.badURL)

    // Retrieve the encrypted user backup share on your API.
    let yourApiResponse = try await requests.get(url)
    let decodedResponse = try decoder.decode(CipherTextResult.self, from: yourApiResponse)
    let encryptedUserBackupShare = decodedResponse.encryptedUserBackupShare

    // Run recover.
    try await portal.recoverWallet(withBackupMethod, withCipherText: encryptedUserBackupShare) { status in
      // (Optional) Create a progress indicator here in the progress callback.
    // ✅ The user has now recovered with their password successfully!

WARNING: To recover a wallet with the Portal SDK, your device must be configured to use passcode authentication. Please note that if you disable your passcode authentication after executing the recover function, you will need to run the recover function again.

Progress Callbacks

You can learn how to handle the progress callbacks for portal.recoverWallet here.

Next steps

Amazing! Your users can now easily recover their wallet. Next let's dive into handling sessions across multiple devices for your users.

Last updated

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