
Retrieves transaction history for the specified blockchain.

Function Signature

public func getTransactions(
    _ chainId: String,
    limit: Int? = nil,
    offset: Int? = nil,
    order: TransactionOrder? = nil
) async throws -> [FetchedTransaction]


  • chainId: The chain identifier in CAIP-2 format (e.g., "eip155:1" for Ethereum mainnet, "solana:5eykt4UsFv8P8NJdTREpY1vzqKqZKvdp" for Solana mainnet)

  • limit: Optional maximum number of transactions to return. If nil, returns all transactions.

  • offset: Optional number of transactions to skip for pagination. If nil, starts from the beginning.

  • order: Optional TransactionOrder to specify the sort order of transactions: ASC or DESC.


An array of FetchedTransaction objects, each containing:

  • blockNum: Block number in which the transaction was included

  • uniqueId: Unique identifier of the transaction

  • hash: Hash of the transaction

  • from: Address that initiated the transaction

  • to: Address that the transaction was sent to

  • value: Optional value transferred in the transaction as Float

  • erc721TokenId: Optional token ID for ERC721 NFT transactions

  • erc1155Metadata: Optional array of ERC1155 token metadata, each containing:

    • tokenId: Token identifier

    • value: Token value

  • tokenId: Optional general token identifier

  • asset: Optional type of asset involved (e.g., "ETH")

  • category: Category of the transaction (e.g., "external")

  • rawContract: Optional contract details containing:

    • value: Contract value

    • address: Contract address

    • decimal: Decimal representation of the contract value

  • metadata: Transaction metadata containing:

    • blockTimestamp: ISO format timestamp of the block

  • chainId: ID of the chain associated with the transaction

Example Usage

// Basic transaction fetch
do {
    let transactions = try await portal.getTransactions(
        limit: 10,
        order: .DESC
    for tx in transactions {
        print("\nTransaction: \(tx.hash)")
        print("Block: \(tx.blockNum)")
        print("From: \(tx.from)")
        print("To: \(")
        if let value = tx.value {
            print("Value: \(value)")
        if let asset = tx.asset {
            print("Asset: \(asset)")
        print("Time: \(tx.metadata.blockTimestamp)")
        // Handle NFT transfers
        if let erc721Id = tx.erc721TokenId {
            print("NFT Token ID: \(erc721Id)")
        if let erc1155Data = tx.erc1155Metadata {
            print("ERC1155 Transfers:")
            for metadata in erc1155Data {
                if let tokenId = metadata?.tokenId,
                   let value = metadata?.value {
                    print("Token ID: \(tokenId), Amount: \(value)")
        // Contract interaction details
        if let contract = tx.rawContract {
            print("\nContract Details:")
            if let address = contract.address {
                print("Contract Address: \(address)")
            if let value = contract.value {
                print("Contract Value: \(value)")
} catch {
    print("Error fetching transactions: \(error)")

// Example with transaction analysis
do {
    let transactions = try await portal.getTransactions("eip155:1")
    // Group transactions by category
    let groupedTxs = Dictionary(grouping: transactions) { $0.category }
    for (category, txs) in groupedTxs {
        print("\nCategory: \(category)")
        print("Count: \(txs.count)")
        // Calculate total value for the category
        let totalValue = txs.compactMap { $0.value }.reduce(0, +)
        print("Total Value: \(totalValue)")
        // Count token transfers
        let nftTransfers = txs.filter { $0.erc721TokenId != nil }.count
        print("NFT Transfers: \(nftTransfers)")
        let erc1155Transfers = txs.filter { $0.erc1155Metadata != nil }.count
        print("ERC1155 Transfers: \(erc1155Transfers)")
} catch {
    print("Error analyzing transactions: \(error)")

// Example with pagination and date filtering
func loadTransactions(fromDate: Date) async {
    let dateFormatter = ISO8601DateFormatter()
    var offset = 0
    let pageSize = 20
    var hasMore = true
    while hasMore {
        do {
            let txs = try await portal.getTransactions(
                limit: pageSize,
                offset: offset,
                order: .DESC
            // Filter transactions by date
            for tx in txs {
                let txDate = tx.metadata.blockTimestamp)
                if let date = txDate, date >= fromDate {
                    print("Processing transaction: \(tx.hash)")
                } else {
                    hasMore = false
            if txs.count < pageSize {
                hasMore = false
            } else {
                offset += pageSize
        } catch {
            print("Error loading transactions: \(error)")
            hasMore = false

Implementation Notes

  • Transaction values and timestamps should be carefully parsed

  • Consider implementing caching for recent transactions

  • The uniqueId field can be used for deduplication

  • ERC721 and ERC1155 transfers include additional token metadata

  • Block timestamps are in ISO format and need proper parsing

Last updated

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