
Follow this guide to integrate Portal in your web app.

Portal provides MPC wallets and dApp connections for organizations and their users. To integrate Portal, an organization adds a client library to their web app, configures a CNAME record, and adds a few server API endpoints.

Basic setup

The basic Portal setup consists of a single packages:

  • @portal-hq/web - The core Portal library

This allows you to initialize Portal in your app.


Follow this guide to gather all of the credentials you need to Authenticate to Portal.


yarn add @portal-hq/web

Update TSConfig

The Web SDK uses the TSConfig lib configuration to properly type interaction with the DOM. Update your TSConfig file to include this:

// tsconfig.json
  "compilerOptions": {
    "lib": ["es2022", "dom"],

Initializing Portal

import Portal from '@portal-hq/web'

const portal = Portal({ 
    apiKey: 'YOUR-CLIENT-API-KEY',
    autoApprove: true, // This should only be used for local development
    chainId: 5, 
    gatewayConfig: 'YOUR-INFURA-OR-ALCHEMY-URL',
    host: 'YOUR-CUSTOM-SUBDOMAN' // Set this once you've defined your custom subdomain

Custom Subdomain

In order to support usage on Safari or other browsers with third-party cookie restrictions, you need to configure a custom subdomain for the Portal Web API.

Follow the instructions in our Configuring a Custom Subdomain guide to complete setup for the Web SDK!

Last updated