Get the client's details
This endpoint retrieves the details of the current client, including information about associated wallets.
Example Response
200: OK Success 400: Bad Request 401: Unauthorized Request
Copy {
"createdAt": "2024-04-16T21:15:06.443Z",
"custodian": {
"id": "custodianId",
"name": "Custodian Name"
"ejectedAt": null,
"environment": {
"id": "environmentId",
"name": "Development"
"id": "clientId",
"isAccountAbstracted": false,
"metadata": {
"namespaces": {
"solana": {
"address": "BrGo1hFAL8MpudNQ6K4YWDaFB838uboUcCpm8C9uyC4R",
"curve": "ED25519"
"stellar": {
"curve": "ED25519"
"eip155": {
"address": "0x0f3f5cea9784e254972d915695dbc9bc2a395faf",
"curve": "SECP256K1"
"tron": {
"address": "TBMq3UK8JNvauSc7sPUp7fkoSzTN4PZhP2",
"curve": "SECP256K1"
"wallets": [
"createdAt": "2024-04-16T21:15:45.144Z",
"curve": "SECP256K1",
"id": "wallet1Id",
"backupSharePairs": [
"backupMethod": "PASSWORD",
"createdAt": "2024-04-16T21:16:48.723Z",
"id": "backupSharePairId1",
"status": "completed"
"backupMethod": "GDRIVE",
"createdAt": "2024-04-16T21:17:02.074Z",
"id": "backupSharePairId2",
"status": "incomplete"
"backupMethod": "ICLOUD",
"createdAt": "2024-04-16T21:18:06.996Z",
"id": "backupSharePairId3",
"status": "incomplete"
"signingSharePairs": [
"createdAt": "2024-04-16T21:15:45.151Z",
"id": "signingSharePairId1",
"status": "completed"
"publicKey": "stringifiedJSON"
Get the client's assets by chain
This endpoint retrieves the asset balances (native and token balances) for a specified blockchain. It provides detailed information on the native balance and token balances held by a given address on the specified chain.
Supported Chains
You can use either the full chain identifier or the shortcut for popular chains.
Ethereum Mainnet (eip155:1
or ethereum
Ethereum Sepolia (eip155:11155111
or sepolia
Solana Mainnet (solana:5eykt4UsFv8P8NJdTREpY1vzqKqZKvdp
or solana
Solana Devnet (solana:EtWTRABZaYq6iMfeYKouRu166VU2xqa1
or solana-devnet
Base Mainnet (eip155:8453
or base
Base Sepolia (eip155:84532
or base-sepolia
Polygon Mainnet (eip155:137
or polygon
Polygon Amoy (eip155:80002
or polygon-amoy
Optimism Mainnet (eip155:10
Binance Smart Chain (eip155:56
Binance Smart Chain Testnet (eip155:97
Arbitrum Mainnet (eip155:42161
Avalanche Mainnet (eip155:43114
Linea Mainnet (eip155:59144
When using CAIP-2 chain formats in the URL (e.g. eip155:11155111
), ensure the URL is URI encoded to accommodate the ": " character.
Query Parameters
Boolean - Defaults to false
Optionally includes the NFTs of the client on the specified chain.
Example Response
200: Success 400: Bad Request 401: Unauthorized Request
Copy {
"nativeBalance": {
"balance": "0.10991767582513721",
"decimals": 18,
"name": "Ether",
"rawBalance": "109917675825137210",
"symbol": "ETH",
"metadata": {
"logo": "",
"thumbnail": ""
"tokenBalances": [
"balance": "0.0199",
"decimals": 18,
"name": "Wrapped Ether",
"rawBalance": "19900000000000000",
"symbol": "WETH",
"metadata": {
"tokenAddress": "0xfff9976782d46cc05630d1f6ebab18b2324d6b14",
"verifiedContract": false,
"totalSupply": "48148.648311179713152621",
"rawTotalSupply": "48148648311179713152621",
"percentageRelativeToTotalSupply": 0.00004133033989114
"nfts": [
"nftId": "ethereum.0x123abc...def456.1234",
"name": "Cosmic Kitty #1234",
"description": "A rare, interstellar feline NFT from the Cosmic Kitties collection.",
"imageUrl": "",
"chainId": "eip155:1",
"contractAddress": "0x123abc...def456",
"tokenId": "1234",
"collection": {
"name": "Cosmic Kitties",
"description": "A collection of 10,000 unique space-faring felines.",
"imageUrl": ""
"lastSale": {
"price": 1500000000000000000,
"currency": "ETH",
"date": "2024-07-15T14:30:00Z"
"rarity": {
"rank": 42,
"score": 0.95
"floorPrice": {
"price": 1200000000000000000,
"currency": "ETH"
"detailedInfo": {
"ownerCount": 1,
"tokenCount": 1,
"createdDate": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"attributes": [
"traitType": "Fur Color",
"value": "Nebula Purple",
"displayType": null
"traitType": "Eye Color",
"value": "Starlight Blue",
"displayType": null
"traitType": "Accessory",
"value": "Jetpack",
"displayType": null
"owners": [
"ownerAddress": "0xabcdef...123456",
"quantity": 1,
"firstAcquiredDate": "2024-07-15T14:30:00Z",
"lastAcquiredDate": "2024-07-15T14:30:00Z"
"extendedCollectionInfo": {
"bannerImageUrl": "",
"externalUrl": "",
"twitterUsername": "@CosmicKitties",
"discordUrl": "",
"instagramUsername": "@cosmic.kitties",
"mediumUsername": "@CosmicKittiesNFT",
"telegramUrl": "",
"distinctOwnerCount": 8500,
"distinctNftCount": 10000,
"totalQuantity": 10000
"extendedSaleInfo": {
"fromAddress": "0x98765...fedcba",
"toAddress": "0xabcdef...123456",
"priceUsdCents": 270000,
"transaction": "0xfedcba...987654",
"marketplaceId": "opensea",
"marketplaceName": "OpenSea"
"marketplaceInfo": [
"marketplaceId": "opensea",
"marketplaceName": "OpenSea",
"marketplaceCollectionId": "cosmic-kitties",
"nftUrl": "",
"collectionUrl": "",
"verified": true,
"floorPrice": {
"value": 1200000000000000000,
"paymentToken": {
"paymentTokenId": "ethereum",
"name": "Ethereum",
"symbol": "ETH",
"address": null,
"decimals": 18
"valueUsdCents": 270000
"mediaInfo": {
"previews": {
"imageSmallUrl": "",
"imageMediumUrl": "",
"imageLargeUrl": "",
"imageOpengraphUrl": "",
"blurhash": "L9B4IwofV@of~qofM{of00WB%Mj[",
"predominantColor": "#8A2BE2"
"animationUrl": "",
"backgroundColor": "#000000"
Get the client's assets by chain (NFTs only)
This endpoint retrieves the NFT assets for a specified blockchain.
Supported Chains
You can use either the full chain identifier or the shortcut for popular chains.
Ethereum Mainnet (eip155:1
or ethereum
Ethereum Sepolia (eip155:11155111
or sepolia
Solana Mainnet (solana:5eykt4UsFv8P8NJdTREpY1vzqKqZKvdp
or solana
Solana Devnet (solana:EtWTRABZaYq6iMfeYKouRu166VU2xqa1
or solana-devnet
Base Mainnet (eip155:8453
or base
Base Sepolia (eip155:84532
or base-sepolia
Polygon Mainnet (eip155:137
or polygon
Polygon Amoy (eip155:80002
or polygon-amoy
Optimism Mainnet (eip155:10
Binance Smart Chain (eip155:56
Binance Smart Chain Testnet (eip155:97
Arbitrum Mainnet (eip155:42161
Avalanche Mainnet (eip155:43114
Linea Mainnet (eip155:59144
When using CAIP-2 chain formats in the URL (e.g. eip155:11155111
), ensure the URL is URI encoded to accommodate the ": " character.
Query Parameters
Example Response
200: Success 400: Bad Request 401: Unauthorized Request
Copy [
"nftId": "ethereum.0x123abc...def456.1234",
"name": "Cosmic Kitty #1234",
"description": "A rare, interstellar feline NFT from the Cosmic Kitties collection.",
"imageUrl": "",
"chainId": "eip155:1",
"contractAddress": "0x123abc...def456",
"tokenId": "1234",
"collection": {
"name": "Cosmic Kitties",
"description": "A collection of 10,000 unique space-faring felines.",
"imageUrl": ""
"lastSale": {
"price": 1500000000000000000,
"currency": "ETH",
"date": "2024-07-15T14:30:00Z"
"rarity": {
"rank": 42,
"score": 0.95
"floorPrice": {
"price": 1200000000000000000,
"currency": "ETH"
"detailedInfo": {
"ownerCount": 1,
"tokenCount": 1,
"createdDate": "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"attributes": [
"traitType": "Fur Color",
"value": "Nebula Purple",
"displayType": null
"traitType": "Eye Color",
"value": "Starlight Blue",
"displayType": null
"traitType": "Accessory",
"value": "Jetpack",
"displayType": null
"owners": [
"ownerAddress": "0xabcdef...123456",
"quantity": 1,
"firstAcquiredDate": "2024-07-15T14:30:00Z",
"lastAcquiredDate": "2024-07-15T14:30:00Z"
"extendedCollectionInfo": {
"bannerImageUrl": "",
"externalUrl": "",
"twitterUsername": "@CosmicKitties",
"discordUrl": "",
"instagramUsername": "@cosmic.kitties",
"mediumUsername": "@CosmicKittiesNFT",
"telegramUrl": "",
"distinctOwnerCount": 8500,
"distinctNftCount": 10000,
"totalQuantity": 10000
"extendedSaleInfo": {
"fromAddress": "0x98765...fedcba",
"toAddress": "0xabcdef...123456",
"priceUsdCents": 270000,
"transaction": "0xfedcba...987654",
"marketplaceId": "opensea",
"marketplaceName": "OpenSea"
"marketplaceInfo": [
"marketplaceId": "opensea",
"marketplaceName": "OpenSea",
"marketplaceCollectionId": "cosmic-kitties",
"nftUrl": "",
"collectionUrl": "",
"verified": true,
"floorPrice": {
"value": 1200000000000000000,
"paymentToken": {
"paymentTokenId": "ethereum",
"name": "Ethereum",
"symbol": "ETH",
"address": null,
"decimals": 18
"valueUsdCents": 270000
"mediaInfo": {
"previews": {
"imageSmallUrl": "",
"imageMediumUrl": "",
"imageLargeUrl": "",
"imageOpengraphUrl": "",
"blurhash": "L9B4IwofV@of~qofM{of00WB%Mj[",
"predominantColor": "#8A2BE2"
"animationUrl": "",
"backgroundColor": "#000000"
Get the client's Solana transaction history
Retrieves the client's transaction history for a specific chain.
Supported Chains
Solana Mainnet (solana:5eykt4UsFv8P8NJdTREpY1vzqKqZKvdp
or solana
Solana Devnet (solana:EtWTRABZaYq6iMfeYKouRu166VU2xqa1
or solana-devnet
When using CAIP-2 chain formats in the URL (e.g. eip155:11155111
), ensure the URL is URI encoded to accommodate the ": " character.
Path Parameters
Query Parameters
The max amount of transactions returned in the request. Defaults to 1000
. Max is 1000
The number of transactions to skip before returning results. Used for pagination when combined with the limit parameter. Defaults to 0
The order of the transactions returned sorted by blockTime
. Defaults to "desc"
Example Response
200: Success 400: Bad Request 401: Unauthorized Request
Copy {
"data": {
"transactions": [
"blockTime": 1741126345,
"error": null,
"signature": "3J7cMNTCks3dNmVZsivgGcQzdTS7hr5Y8Na4Rb1yLdP9JPcPBHPjvVRQUtLzfdgUDiLZZhgBwPebXGdZz3ueuH4k",
"status": "finalized",
"transactionDetails": {
"transaction": {
"message": {
"accountKeys": [
"header": {
"numReadonlySignedAccounts": 0,
"numReadonlyUnsignedAccounts": 1,
"numRequiredSignatures": 1
"instructions": [
"accounts": [
"data": "3Bxs4Bc3VYuGVB19",
"programIdIndex": 2,
"stackHeight": null
"recentBlockhash": "94x5LakBUZwcnpprYuftki9mq22dC353yebkoxLjhJqt"
"signatures": [
"signatureDetails": {
"blockTime": 1741126345,
"confirmationStatus": "finalized",
"error": null,
"memo": null,
"signature": "3J7cMNTCks3dNmVZsivgGcQzdTS7hr5Y8Na4Rb1yLdP9JPcPBHPjvVRQUtLzfdgUDiLZZhgBwPebXGdZz3ueuH4k",
"slot": 365141926
"metadata": {
"blockTime": 1741126345,
"slot": 365141926,
"error": null,
"fee": 5000,
"innerInstructions": [],
"loadedAddresses": {
"readonly": [],
"writable": []
"logMessages": [
"Program 11111111111111111111111111111111 invoke [1]",
"Program 11111111111111111111111111111111 success"
"postBalances": [
"postTokenBalances": [],
"preBalances": [
"preTokenBalances": [],
"rewards": [],
"status": {
"Ok": null
"version": "legacy"
"metadata": {
"address": "clientSolanaAddress",
"chainId": "solana:EtWTRABZaYq6iMfeYKouRu166VU2xqa1",
"clientId": "clientId",
"limit": null, // Defaults to 1000
"offset": 0
Get the client's EIP-155 transaction history
Retrieves the client's transaction history for a specific chain.
Supported Chains
Ethereum Mainnet (eip155:1
Ethereum Goerli (eip155:5
) // @deprecated
Ethereum Sepolia (eip155:11155111
Base Mainnet (eip155:8453
Base Sepolia (eip155:84532
Polygon Mainnet (eip155:137
Polygon Mumbai (eip155:80001
Polygon Amoy (eip155:80002
When using CAIP-2 chain formats in the URL (e.g. eip155:11155111
), ensure the URL is URI encoded to accommodate the ": " character.
Query Parameters
Example Response
200: Success 400: Bad Request 401: Unauthorized Request
Copy [
"blockNum": "0x57450c",
"uniqueId": "0x3b8a06c63d02ba6826cce6188c2caa44b68dd6a36050dcfd5c085a7cba5444e3:external",
"hash": "0x3b8a06c63d02ba6826cce6188c2caa44b68dd6a36050dcfd5c085a7cba5444e3",
"from": "0xdfd8302f44727a6348f702ff7b594f127de3a902",
"to": "0x8eddb4067a73061e93583897d4684b749a93f19c",
"value": 0.01,
"erc721TokenId": null,
"erc1155Metadata": null,
"tokenId": null,
"asset": "ETH",
"category": "external",
"rawContract": {
"value": "0x2386f26fc10000",
"address": null,
"decimal": "0x12"
"metadata": {
"blockTimestamp": "2024-04-17T17:32:24.000Z"
"chainId": 11155111
Fund wallet with testnet tokens
Sends testnet tokens to your Portal client's wallet.
Supported Chains
Ethereum Sepolia (eip155:11155111
Body Parameters
The CAIP-2 chainId you want to receive testnet tokens on. Only supports eip155:11155111
The token you want to receive. Only supports ETH
The amount to transfer (as a string, in the token's primary denomination). The max amount is "0.01"
Example Request
Copy curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer [token]' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"chainId": "eip155:11155111",
"token": "NATIVE",
"amount": "0.01"
Example Response
200: EIP-155 Response 429: Too Many Requests
Copy {
"data": {
"explorerUrl": "",
"txHash": "0x93d1eb05b151ed66aabdd09e7151bbf19037e1b414565ce64968f58c138995dc"
"metadata": {
"amount": "0.001",
"chainId": "eip155:11155111",
"clientId": "clientId",
"custodianId": "custodianId",
"environmentId": "environmentId",
"token": "NATIVE"
Copy {
"error": "Testnet funding is disabled for this client until \"2025-01-25T19:22:51.208Z\""
Build a transaction
Creates an unsigned transaction for transferring assets to another address on a specific chain. You can then use this unsigned transaction to sign and submit the transaction.
Supported Chains
You can use any of the following friendly chain names for the chain
path param (or alternatively you can use the CAIP-2 chainId
When using CAIP-2 chain formats in the URL (e.g. eip155:11155111
), ensure the URL is URI encoded to accommodate the ": " character.
Path Parameters
Must be one of the chains in "Supported Chains".
Body Parameters
The token symbol (e.g., "USDC") or contract address or mint address (for Solana). For native token transfers, use "NATIVE"
The amount to transfer (as a string, in the token's primary denomination). For example, "0.01" is 1 cent of USDC.
Example Request
Copy curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer [token]' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"to": "0xdFd8302f44727A6348F702fF7B594f127dE3A902",
"token": "USDC",
"amount": "0.01"
Example Response
The response includes the unsigned transaction details and metadata. The structure of the response differs depending on whether the chain is Solana or an EIP-155 chain (e.g., Ethereum, Polygon, Base).
200: EIP-155 Response 200: Solana Response 400: Bad Request
Copy {
"transaction": {
"from": "0x54968898742c08da211a1cd355447cd1f37f0649",
"to": "0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48",
"data": "0xa9059cbb000000000000000000000000dfd8302f44727a6348f702ff7b594f127de3a9020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002710"
"metadata": {
"amount": "0.01",
"fromAddress": "0x54968898742c08da211a1cd355447cd1f37f0649",
"toAddress": "0xdFd8302f44727A6348F702fF7B594f127dE3A902",
"tokenAddress": "0xa0b86991c6218b36c1d19d4a2e9eb0ce3606eb48",
"tokenDecimals": 6,
"rawAmount": "10000"
Copy {
"metadata": {
"amount": "0.01",
"fromAddress": "7EC5TEEAcDseLH6PyqKkPiBasVnsdmrRbRHjN3zkkHFW",
"toAddress": "8APEEA4SHrfGteABQcUmH2yEHy7nEe8DqgvmKGAStHR",
"tokenMintAddress": "EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v",
"tokenDecimals": 6,
"tokenProgramId": "TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb",
"tokenExtensions": [
"rawAmount": "10000",
"lastValidBlockHeight": "260129177",
"serializedTransactionBase58Encoded": "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",
"unsignedTransactionMessage": {
"signatures": null,
"message": {
"accountKeys": [
"header": {
"numRequiredSignatures": 1,
"numReadonlySignedAccounts": 0,
"numReadonlyUnsignedAccounts": 5
"instructions": [
"programIdIndex": 5,
"accounts": [
"data": ""
"programIdIndex": 7,
"accounts": [
"data": "3GAG5eogvTjV"
"recentBlockhash": "3hg5wAbN1FYh5fGANDpCgWMDG1NPMYmNwdDiYTqinFUv"
Copy {
"error": "Error message"
The token
field can accept either a token symbol (e.g. "USDC" or "USDT") or a contract address (for EIP-155 tokens) or a mint address (for Solana tokens).
The amount
should be provided in the token's primary denomination (e.g. whole USDC, not micro-USDC).
This endpoint creates an unsigned transaction. The client is responsible for signing the transaction before broadcasting it to the network.
The response structure differs between Solana and EIP-155 chains. Make sure to handle both response types in your implementation.
Simulate + validate a transaction
This endpoint evaluates a transaction by either simulating its execution or validating its authenticity (or both). The evaluation provides detailed insights into the transaction, including potential changes in asset balances, exposures, and a classification of the transaction's risk.
Supported Chains
Ethereum Mainnet (eip155:1
Ethereum Sepolia (eip155:11155111
Optimism Mainnet (eip155:10
Binance Smart Chain (eip155:56
Polygon Mainnet (eip155:137
Blast Mainnet (eip155:238
zkSync Mainnet (eip155:324
zkSync Sepolia (eip155:300
Base Mainnet (eip155:8453
Base Sepolia (eip155:84532
Immutable zkEVM (eip155:13371
Arbitrum Mainnet (eip155:42161
Avalanche Fuji (eip155:43113
Avalanche Mainnet (eip155:43114
Linea Mainnet (eip155:59144
Scroll Mainnet (eip155:534352
Zora Mainnet (eip155:7777777
Degen Mainnet (eip155:666666666
Solana Mainnet (solana:5eykt4UsFv8P8NJdTREpY1vzqKqZKvdp
Solana Devnet (solana:EtWTRABZaYq6iMfeYKouRu166VU2xqa1
When using CAIP-2 chain formats in the URL (e.g. eip155:11155111
), ensure the URL is URI encoded to accommodate the ": " character.
Query Parameters
Body Parameters
EIP-155 Solana
The gas limit provided for the transaction.
The price per unit of gas the sender is willing to pay.
The maximum total fee per gas unit the sender is willing to pay.
The maximum priority fee per gas unit the sender is willing to pay.
The amount of native token to send with the transaction.
The input data to send with the transaction (used for contract calls).
, "simulation"
, or "all"
Default: "all"
The operation to perform with the transaction.
An array of base58 encoded serialized transactions.
, "simulation"
, or "all"
Default: "all"
The operation to perform with the transaction.
Example Response
200: EIP-155 Success 200: Solana Success 400: Bad Request 401: Unauthorized Request
Copy {
"chain": "ethereum",
"validation": {
"status": "Success",
"resultType": "Malicious",
"description": "A known malicious address is involved in the transaction",
"reason": "raw_ether_transfer",
"classification": "known_malicious",
"features": []
"simulation": {
"status": "Success",
"assetsDiffs": {
"0xfFf9976782d46CC05630D1f6eBAb18b2324d6B14": [
"asset": {
"type": "NATIVE",
"chainName": "sepolia",
"decimals": 18,
"chainId": 11155111,
"logoUrl": "",
"name": "Sepolia Ether",
"symbol": "ETH"
"in": [
"summary": "Received 0 ETH",
"value": "0.000000000000000001",
"rawValue": "0x1"
"out": []
"asset": {
"type": "ERC20",
"address": "0xfFf9976782d46CC05630D1f6eBAb18b2324d6B14",
"logoUrl": "",
"decimals": 18,
"name": "Wrapped Ether",
"symbol": "WETH"
"in": [],
"out": [
"summary": "Sent 0 WETH",
"value": "0.000000000000000001",
"rawValue": "0x1"
"0x31A89E000E9029362213387FEDe26F7B543e9D1C": [
"asset": {
"type": "NATIVE",
"chainName": "sepolia",
"decimals": 18,
"chainId": 11155111,
"logoUrl": "",
"name": "Sepolia Ether",
"symbol": "ETH"
"in": [],
"out": [
"summary": "Sent 0 ETH",
"value": "0.000000000000000001",
"rawValue": "0x1"
"asset": {
"type": "ERC20",
"address": "0xfFf9976782d46CC05630D1f6eBAb18b2324d6B14",
"logoUrl": "",
"decimals": 18,
"name": "Wrapped Ether",
"symbol": "WETH"
"in": [
"summary": "Received 0 WETH",
"value": "0.000000000000000001",
"rawValue": "0x1"
"out": []
"totalUsdDiff": {},
"exposures": {},
"totalUsdExposure": {},
"addressDetails": {},
"accountSummary": {
"assetsDiffs": [
"asset": {
"type": "NATIVE",
"chainName": "sepolia",
"decimals": 18,
"chainId": 11155111,
"logoUrl": "",
"name": "Sepolia Ether",
"symbol": "ETH"
"in": [],
"out": [
"summary": "Sent 0 ETH",
"value": "0.000000000000000001",
"rawValue": "0x1"
"asset": {
"type": "ERC20",
"address": "0xfFf9976782d46CC05630D1f6eBAb18b2324d6B14",
"logoUrl": "",
"decimals": 18,
"name": "Wrapped Ether",
"symbol": "WETH"
"in": [
"summary": "Received 0 WETH",
"value": "0.000000000000000001",
"rawValue": "0x1"
"out": []
"exposures": [],
"totalUsdExposure": {}
Copy {
"chain": "solana",
"validation": {
"status": "Success",
"resultType": "Malicious",
"reason": "known_attacker",
"features": [
"description": "Account woN4W93ijGmYd9vdz1XujN4MkNvnhD1sXrvtRv3KHgD is known for being malicious"
"simulation": {
"accountAddress": "9G2CRh8pzicbRkiNLh8Xsp2DEP28UhwtHSyqetGYTCWD",
"status": "Success",
"accountSummary": {
"assetsDiffs": [
"asset": {
"type": "SOL",
"decimals": 9
"in": [],
"out": [
"usdPrice": "0.32128185400000003",
"summary": "Lost approximately 0.32$",
"value": "0.0021974",
"rawValue": "0x218798"
"asset": {
"address": "2b1kV6DkPAnxd5ixfnxCpjxmKwqjjaYmCZfHsFu24GXo",
"symbol": "PYUSD",
"name": "PayPal USD",
"logo": "",
"type": "TOKEN",
"decimals": 6
"in": [],
"out": [
"usdPrice": "0.0019997079999999998",
"summary": "Lost approximately 0.0$",
"value": "0.002",
"rawValue": "0x7d0"
"addressDetails": {
"9G2CRh8pzicbRkiNLh8Xsp2DEP28UhwtHSyqetGYTCWD": {
"accountAddress": "9G2CRh8pzicbRkiNLh8Xsp2DEP28UhwtHSyqetGYTCWD",
"description": null,
"wasWrittenTo": true
"woN4W93ijGmYd9vdz1XujN4MkNvnhD1sXrvtRv3KHgD": {
"accountAddress": "woN4W93ijGmYd9vdz1XujN4MkNvnhD1sXrvtRv3KHgD",
"description": null,
"wasWrittenTo": false
"2b1kV6DkPAnxd5ixfnxCpjxmKwqjjaYmCZfHsFu24GXo": {
"accountAddress": "2b1kV6DkPAnxd5ixfnxCpjxmKwqjjaYmCZfHsFu24GXo",
"description": "PayPal USD Mint Account",
"wasWrittenTo": false,
"name": "PayPal USD",
"symbol": "PYUSD",
"logo": ""
"type": "TOKEN_2022_ACCOUNT",
"accountAddress": "HdhAViVJCG41UEpEMPt6WTyb9dDPJhZURPRacaSM8cJt",
"description": "PayPal USD's ($PYUSD) Token Account",
"wasWrittenTo": true,
"mintAddress": "2b1kV6DkPAnxd5ixfnxCpjxmKwqjjaYmCZfHsFu24GXo",
"ownerAddress": "9G2CRh8pzicbRkiNLh8Xsp2DEP28UhwtHSyqetGYTCWD"
"GvLqZHDxshcYvW5HyPoaDFidNmRW6wft3NnKzhckgfWj": {
"type": "TOKEN_2022_ACCOUNT",
"accountAddress": "GvLqZHDxshcYvW5HyPoaDFidNmRW6wft3NnKzhckgfWj",
"description": "PayPal USD's ($PYUSD) Token Account",
"wasWrittenTo": true,
"mintAddress": "2b1kV6DkPAnxd5ixfnxCpjxmKwqjjaYmCZfHsFu24GXo",
"ownerAddress": "woN4W93ijGmYd9vdz1XujN4MkNvnhD1sXrvtRv3KHgD"
"TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb": {
"type": "PROGRAM",
"accountAddress": "TokenzQdBNbLqP5VEhdkAS6EPFLC1PHnBqCXEpPxuEb",
"description": null,
"wasWrittenTo": false
"ATokenGPvbdGVxr1b2hvZbsiqW5xWH25efTNsLJA8knL": {
"type": "PROGRAM",
"accountAddress": "ATokenGPvbdGVxr1b2hvZbsiqW5xWH25efTNsLJA8knL",
"description": null,
"wasWrittenTo": false
"11111111111111111111111111111111": {
"accountAddress": "11111111111111111111111111111111",
"description": "System Program",
"wasWrittenTo": false
"assetsDiffs": {
"woN4W93ijGmYd9vdz1XujN4MkNvnhD1sXrvtRv3KHgD": [
"asset": {
"address": "2b1kV6DkPAnxd5ixfnxCpjxmKwqjjaYmCZfHsFu24GXo",
"symbol": "PYUSD",
"name": "PayPal USD",
"logo": "",
"type": "TOKEN",
"decimals": 6
"in": [
"usdPrice": "0.0019997079999999998",
"summary": "Gained approximately 0.0$",
"value": "0.002",
"rawValue": "0x7d0"
"out": []
"9G2CRh8pzicbRkiNLh8Xsp2DEP28UhwtHSyqetGYTCWD": [
"asset": {
"type": "SOL",
"decimals": 9
"in": [],
"out": [
"usdPrice": "0.32128185400000003",
"summary": "Lost approximately 0.32$",
"value": "0.0021974",
"rawValue": "0x218798"
"asset": {
"address": "2b1kV6DkPAnxd5ixfnxCpjxmKwqjjaYmCZfHsFu24GXo",
"symbol": "PYUSD",
"name": "PayPal USD",
"logo": "",
"type": "TOKEN",
"decimals": 6
"in": [],
"out": [
"usdPrice": "0.0019997079999999998",
"summary": "Lost approximately 0.0$",
"value": "0.002",
"rawValue": "0x7d0"
"solana": {
"delegations": {},
"assetsOwnershipDiff": {}
Copy {
"validation": {
"status": "Error",
"resultType": "Error",
"description": "",
"reason": "",
"classification": "",
"features": [],
"error": "Error message here"
"simulation": {
"status": "Error",
"error": "Error message here"
Client Shares
Update the client's signing share pairs' statuses
Updates a client's signing share pairs' statuses. Intended to be used after successfully storing the client signing share on the client's device.
Do not use this endpoint if you are using the Portal SDKs. The Portal SDKs already use this endpoint internally for your convenience.
Body Parameters
An array of signing share pair IDs.
The updated status of the signing share pairs.
Example Response
204: Success, No Content 400: Bad Request 401: Unauthorized Request
Update the client's backup share pairs' statuses
Updates a client's backup share pairs' statuses. Intended to be used after successfully storing the encrypted client backup share.
Do not use this endpoint if you are using the Portal SDKs. The Portal SDKs already use this endpoint internally for your convenience.
Body Parameters
An array of backup share pair IDs.
The updated status of the backup share pairs.
Example Response
204: Success, No Content 400: Bad Request 401: Unauthorized Request
Deprecated Endpoints:
Get the client's NFTs by chain (@deprecated)
This endpoint retrieves the NFTs for the client for a particular chain.
Supported Chains
Ethereum Mainnet (eip155:1
Ethereum Goerli (eip155:5
) // @deprecated
Ethereum Sepolia (eip155:11155111
Base Mainnet (eip155:8453
Base Sepolia (eip155:84532
Polygon Mainnet (eip155:137
Polygon Mumbai (eip155:80001
Polygon Amoy (eip155:80002
When using CAIP-2 chain formats in the URL (e.g. eip155:11155111
), ensure the URL is URI encoded to accommodate the ": " character.
Query Parameters
Example Response
200: Success 400: Bad Request 401: Unauthorized Request
Copy [
"contract": {
"address": "0xabcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12"
"id": {
"tokenId": "99",
"tokenMetadata": {
"tokenType": "ERC721"
"title": "GalacticExplorer #99",
"description": "Galactic Explorers venture into the unknown regions of space to discover new worlds and civilizations.",
"tokenUri": {
"raw": "",
"gateway": ""
"media": [
"raw": "",
"gateway": ""
"metadata": {
"name": "GalacticExplorer #99",
"description": "Galactic Explorers venture into the unknown regions of space to discover new worlds and civilizations.",
"image": "",
"external_url": "",
"attributes": [
"value": "Space Suit (Blue)",
"trait_type": "Clothes"
"value": "Happy Smile",
"trait_type": "Mouth"
"value": "Space",
"trait_type": "Background"
"timeLastUpdated": "2023-01-01T10:00:00.000Z",
"contractMetadata": {
"name": "GalacticExplorers",
"symbol": "GEXP",
"totalSupply": "5000",
"tokenType": "ERC721"
Simulate a transaction (
@deprecated )
Simulates a transaction for a specific chain.
Supported Chains
Ethereum Mainnet (eip155:1
Ethereum Goerli (eip155:5
) // @deprecated
Ethereum Sepolia (eip155:11155111
Base Mainnet (eip155:8453
Base Sepolia (eip155:84532
Polygon Mainnet (eip155:137
Polygon Mumbai (eip155:80001
Polygon Amoy (eip155:80002
When using CAIP-2 chain formats in the URL (e.g. eip155:11155111
), ensure the URL is URI encoded to accommodate the ": " character.
Query Parameters
Body Parameters
The gas limit provided for the transaction.
The price per unit of gas the sender is willing to pay.
The maximum total fee per gas unit the sender is willing to pay.
The maximum priority fee per gas unit the sender is willing to pay.
The amount of native token to send with the transaction.
The input data to send with the transaction (used for contract calls).
The transaction count of the sender's address, used to ensure uniqueness.
Example Response
200: Success 400: Bad Request 401: Unauthorized Request
Copy {
"changes": [
"amount": "0.000000000000000016",
"assetType": "NATIVE",
"changeType": "TRANSFER",
"contractAddress": null,
"decimals": 18,
"from": "0x0282c3974e48e645d977758838a0211e5c11bd64",
"name": "Ethereum",
"rawAmount": "16",
"symbol": "ETH",
"to": "0x3fc91a3afd70395cd496c647d5a6cc9d4b2b7fad",
"tokenId": null
"gasUsed": "0x5258"
Get the client's ERC20 assets by chain (
@deprecated )
Retrieves the client's ERC20 balances for a specific chain.
Supported Chains
Ethereum Mainnet (eip155:1
Ethereum Goerli (eip155:5
) // @deprecated
Ethereum Sepolia (eip155:11155111
Base Mainnet (eip155:8453
Base Sepolia (eip155:84532
Polygon Mainnet (eip155:137
Polygon Mumbai (eip155:80001
Polygon Amoy (eip155:80002
When using CAIP-2 chain formats in the URL (e.g. eip155:11155111
), ensure the URL is URI encoded to accommodate the ": " character.
Query Parameters
Example Response
200: Success 400: Bad Request 401: Unauthorized Request
Copy [
"contractAddress": "0x1f9840a85d5af5bf1d1762f925bdaddc4201f984",
"balance": "0.000211681761928783"