MPC progress callbacks

This section describes how to check in on the status of each MPC operation

Progress Callback Support

The portal.createWallet(), portal.backupWallet(), and portal.recoverWallet() functions all support an optional argument for a progress callback. This is a function that will be triggered at key points within these respective MPC operations to provide incremental updates, These incremental updates enable you to update your UI as the MPC operation progresses.

Using Progress Callbacks

import { MpcStatus } from '@portal-hq/web'

// Example using createWallet()
const address = portal.createWallet((update: MpcStatus) => {
    console.log(`Status update:`, update.status)
    console.log(`MPC Operation done:`, update.done)

// Example using backupWallet()
const address = portal.backupWallet((update: MpcStatus) => {
    console.log(`Status update:`, update.status)
    console.log(`MPC Operation done:`, update.done)

// Example using recoverWallet()
const address = portal.recoverWallet(cipherText, (update: MpcStatus) => {
    console.log(`Status update:`, update.status)
    console.log(`MPC Operation done:`, update.done)

MPC Statuses

These are all the possible statuses that will be returned through the callbacks on the MPC operations.

generatingShare = "Generating share"
parsingShare = "Parsing share"
storingShare = "Storing share"
encryptingShare = "Encrypting share"
decryptingShare = "Decrypting share"
readingShare = "Reading share"
recoveringBackupShare = "Recovering backup share"
recoveringSigningShare = "Recovering signing share"
done = "Done"

Generate Status Flow

{"done": false, "status": "Generating share"}
{"done": false, "status": "Storing share"}
{"done": true, "status": "Done"}

Backup Status Flow

{"done": false, "status": "Reading share"}
{"done": false, "status": "Generating share"}
{"done": false, "status": "Encrypting share"}
{"done": false, "status": "Storing share"}
{"done": true, "status": "Done"}

Recover Status Flow

{"done": false, "status": "Reading share"}
{"done": false, "status": "Decrypting share"}
{"done": false, "status": "Parsing share"}
{"done": false, "status": "Recovering signing share"}
{"done": false, "status": "Generating share"}
{"done": false, "status": "Storing share"}
{"done": false, "status": "Recovering backup share"}
{"done": false, "status": "Generating share"}
{"done": false, "status": "Encrypting share"}
{"done": false, "status": "Storing share"}
{"done": true, "status": "Done"}

Last updated

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