
Extracts all private keys from the wallet using a specified backup method.

Function Signature

public func ejectPrivateKeys(
    _ method: BackupMethods,
    withCipherText: String? = nil,
    andOrganizationBackupShare: String? = nil,
    andOrganizationSolanaBackupShare: String? = nil
) async throws -> [PortalNamespace: String]


  • method: The backup method to use. Supported methods:

    • .GoogleDrive: Authenticate using Google Drive backup

    • .iCloud: Authenticate using iCloud backup

    • .Password: Authenticate using password

    • .Passkey: Authenticate using passkey

    • .local: Authenticate using local backup

  • withCipherText: Optional cipher text from a previous backup

  • andOrganizationBackupShare: Optional backup share provided by the organization for EVM chains

  • andOrganizationSolanaBackupShare: Optional backup share provided by the organization specifically for Solana


A dictionary mapping PortalNamespace to private keys, where:

  • .eip155 key contains the Ethereum/EVM private key

  • .solana key contains the Solana private key


Various backup method-specific errors if authentication fails


Providing the custodian backup share to the client device puts both MPC shares on a single device, removing the multi-party security benefits of MPC. This operation should only be done for users who want to move off of MPC and into a single private key. Use portal.ejectPrivateKeys() at your own risk!

Example Usage

do {
    let privateKeys = try await portal.ejectPrivateKeys(
        withCipherText: backupCipherText,
        andOrganizationBackupShare: orgBackupShare,
        andOrganizationSolanaBackupShare: orgSolanaBackupShare
    if let ethPrivateKey = privateKeys[.eip155] {
        print("Ethereum private key: \(ethPrivateKey)")
    if let solanaPrivateKey = privateKeys[.solana] {
        print("Solana private key: \(solanaPrivateKey)")
} catch {
    print("Error ejecting private keys: \(error)")

Last updated

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