
Sets the password used for the Password backup method. This method configures the password that will be used to encrypt and decrypt wallet backups using password-based key derivation.

Function Signature

public func setPassword(
    _ value: String
) throws


  • value: The password string used to generate a key for backup encryption/decryption via password-based key derivation. This should be a secure password that the user can reliably remember or safely store.


  • MpcError.backupMethodNotRegistered if the Password backup method has not been registered using registerBackupMethod


  • Must be called before using the .Password backup method for wallet backup or recovery operations

  • The password should be securely stored or provided by the user when needed

  • Should be used in conjunction with registering the Password backup method

Example Usage

// Basic usage
do {
    try portal.setPassword("mySecurePassword123!")
} catch {
    print("Error setting password: \(error)")

// Complete setup with password backup
do {
    // First register the password storage method
    let passwordStorage = PasswordStorage()
    portal.registerBackupMethod(.Password, withStorage: passwordStorage)
    // Set the password
    try portal.setPassword("mySecurePassword123!")
    // Now you can use password-based backup
    let backup = try await portal.backupWallet(.Password) { status in
        switch status.status {
        case .readingShare:
            print("Reading share...")
        case .encryptingShare:
            print("Encrypting with password...")
        case .storingShare:
            print("Storing encrypted backup...")
        case .done:
            print("Backup complete!")
    // Complete the backup process
    try await backup.storageCallback()
} catch {
    print("Error in password backup process: \(error)")

// Example with password recovery
do {
    // Set up password for recovery
    try portal.setPassword("mySecurePassword123!")
    // Recover wallet using password
    let recovered = try await portal.recoverWallet(
        withCipherText: backupCipherText
    ) { status in
        print("Recovery status: \(status)")
    print("Recovered wallet with address: \(recovered.ethereum)")
} catch {
    print("Error in password recovery process: \(error)")

Security Best Practices

  1. Use strong passwords that meet these criteria:

    • Minimum length of 12 characters

    • Mix of uppercase and lowercase letters

    • Include numbers and special characters

    • Avoid common patterns or personal information

  2. Password Storage:

    • Never store the password in plain text

    • Consider using the iOS Keychain for secure storage

    • Implement appropriate password recovery mechanisms

  3. User Experience:

    • Validate password strength during input

    • Provide clear feedback on password requirements

    • Consider implementing biometric authentication for accessing stored passwords

Implementation Flow

  1. Register the Password backup method

  2. Set the password using this method

  3. Use the password for backup or recovery operations

  4. Implement secure password storage and recovery

Related Documentation

For more information about password-based backup and security, see:

Last updated

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